Hyasynth Bio
January 18, 2018
Raw materials and produced products are spun up until they blur and "magically" change into something new
Hyasynth Bio (Montréal, QC) contacted us to see if we would be interested in describing their industrial process they use to produce synthetic cannabis. A scroll story was created that allowed visitors to their site to follow the process from raw ingredients to finished products.
One of the main challenges of this project was to create a vat of yeast that actually looked convincing enough to be nothing more than a vat of yeast. The stirring paddles were two squares whose width were controlled by a sine curve, producing a convincing rotation effect in 2D. The particles then followed bezier curves from the centre of the vat and curved away according to the quadrant they started in. The centrifuge used two circles, rotated with CSS animations.
This vat and centrifuge describe the industrial process Hyasynth Bio uses to make their products.