Matt Rogalsky is a composer, sound artist and musicologist. Since 1985 he has presented work regularly in performances and gallery exhibitions across North America and Europe.
January, Who is Bruce Kauffman?, March 01, 2019

Based on the poem January by Sadiqa Khan, January is a visual exploration of a fox's imagined journey through the Davis Tannery Lands, a 37 acre brownfield site on the shore of the Rideau River in Kingston, Ontario. The poem was read by Sadiqa Khan and recorded by Matt Rogalsky. The music featured…
Visitations and Revisitations, August 14, 2018

Visitations and Revisitations is a series of four pieces by Matt Rogalsky, that was performed live at the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts. Visuals for each performance featured a number of new algorithms including a circular representation of audio waveforms as well as several flowers…
Beyond the Fence (Piano Edit), June 04, 2015

This is a piano remix of a track by the Fences, a recording project conceptualized by mental health crisis workers Chris Trimmer and Richard Tyo, who each hold a deep interest in the relation of music to mental health. In this project, they worked with members of their community to write songs…